Monday, November 22, 2010

Alleviating Hemorrhoids Symptoms Using Ice

Do hemorrhoids haunt you badly? The symptoms are apparently cursing. The pain and the swelling clutch you most of the time. And it is irritating to find yourself in discomfort. Probably, you must be looking for a hemorrhoid relief.

Many sufferers find it embarrassing to consult a doctor for their hemorrhoids. They would often opt to look for a good product for their hemorrhoids and go through an easy relief so they can evade the stabbing sensation from this nasty ailment. Too many creams, too many remedies but everything just do not work.They need relief. They need to alleviate the pain. Good thing there is ice.

Ice is a very good hemorrhoid relief. The soothing coldness numbs the part which is affected and free the sufferer from the unnecessary symptoms that causes discomfort. You might be asking. how will you use them properly?

Crush off the ice, better if you buy already flaked ice in the supermarket. Gently apply it to the area affected by hemorrhoid. Slowly but surely. Gentle and soothing. 

The primary reason for this relief is numbing the part that cause pain and itch. The coldness of this substance is soothing and lingers into the affected area. It settles the pain and itch that cause too much discomfort.

Ice can reduce the inflammation of the infected nerves and eventually subside them. The best of this kind of relief is it has no side effects. Hemorrhoid ice relief is better performed before and after going to sleep and when needed at anytime of the day. 

Although ice can grant only temporary relief, it can still help eliminate your discomfort once in a while.

The power of cold compress can do a lot of marvels. Applying it several times a day can help in shrinking your hemorrhoids.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

What is Hemorrhoid: a Bird’s Eye View of This Nasty Ailment

We often get an information overload of what hemorrhoids really are. But are we getting the right facts? While others take hemorrhoids as an unserious ailment, others are looking for possible ways on how to get rid of them. And the best way to get rid of them is knowing what they really are.

In general view, hemorrhoids are the swelling of the anus or the rectum. So basically the root of these is a problem related to the anal area. Hemorrhoids resemble to varicose veins that are inflamed due to infection. When the anal area is strained anal tissue may protrude. So it is given that activities that can put strain to the anal area cause this uneasy bulge of tissue or veins.

Hemorrhoid can either be internal or external. It can grow inside or outside the anus. external and internal hemorrhoids exhibit the same symptoms. Usual hemorrhoid symptoms are itchiness, discomfort, pain, and bleeding of the lump in the anus. But internal hemorrhoids when worsen can cause hemorrhoid bleeding. This bleeding is associated to clots of blood found in the stool.

Hemorrhoids have been causing discomfort to many sufferers—and are affecting a large percentage of Americans today. Proper information of the ailment is important in getting rid of it. And if you already have the symptom, do not be embarrassed to ask for professional help.